
Products of Oysterworld Lda / 牡蛎世界有限公司

  • Price per kg, Box of 5 Kg Portuguese oyster Crassostrea angulata from aquaculture. Taste Notes: Home salty, metallic notes and the unique taste of Sado, sweetish finish. Oysters are marketed in a 5kg wooden box or in spheroid boxes for larger quantities. 以公斤计价,每盒5公斤 水产养殖的葡萄牙牡蛎Crassostrea angulata。 味道口感:咸味,金属质感和萨多的独特口感,鲜甜的余味。 牡蛎以5公斤木箱包装销售,数量较大的使用泡沫箱箱。