
JMD Representação e Distribuição de Marcas Lda. / JMD 有限公司品牌分销代表

Seller name JMD Representação e Distribuição de Marcas Lda. / JMD 有限公司品牌分销代表
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Seller address Rua dos Lusíadas 25A
Seller country Portugal
Seller state
Post code 1349-024
Seller city Lisbon
Seller description

We distribute great brands. We represent unique Portuguese Brands.

To represent and to distribute food and beverage brands is our essence. We have more than 50 years of history and a past that we are extremely proud of. Being the oldest company in Portugal in the Distribution sector gives us a lot of knowledge, but that's not all. We are the largest company in Portugal in the sector today it's because we knew how to turn knowledge into opportunities. We made it this far it's because we knew how to look ahead and adapt as time passed by. We represent 33 food & beverage brands today, 10 of which are top brands, it's because along the way we developed the right expertise to fulfill our ambition to be a House of Brands. Having a forward-looking vision and acting with rigor and professionalism were the main pillars we built our "house" on.



我们的公司性质是代理和分销食品饮料品牌。 我们已拥有超过50年的历史和过去,为此感到非常自豪。 作为葡萄牙最有历史性的分销行业公司,我们获得了很多经验,但这只是一部分。 当今我们是葡萄牙该行业最大的公司,因为我们知道如何将经验知识转化为机遇,并且如何展望未来和适应时代的发展。 现今我们代表33个食品饮料品牌,其中10个是顶级品牌,这是因为我们一路累积了正确的专业知识,以怀抱雄心成为品牌之家。 拥有前瞻性的愿景,并以严谨和专业的态度行事是我们建造品牌的主要支柱。

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