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Coffret multifunction tools
Multifunction tool coffret with:
1 blade for quick cutting (wood, plasterboard, PVC) - 30 x 43 mm
1 wood blade with nails, plasterboard, PVC - 30 x 43 mm
1 rigid spatula for steel - 52 mm
1 non-circular blade (wood, wood with nails, gypsum board) - 10 mm in diameter
1 stripping blade - 95 x 95 x 3 mm
1 blade for cutting wood (detail)
1 sanding plate
25 abrasive sheets for wood and wood with paint
Multifunction tool coffret with:
1 blade for quick cutting (wood, plasterboard, PVC) - 30 x 43 mm
1 wood blade with nails, plasterboard, PVC - 30 x 43 mm
1 rigid spatula for steel - 52 mm
1 non-circular blade (wood, wood with nails, gypsum board) - 10 mm in diameter
1 stripping blade - 95 x 95 x 3 mm
1 blade for cutting wood (detail)
1 sanding plate
25 abrasive sheets for wood and wood with paint
Allows cutting, sanding, scraping and peeling.
Quick and easy to change accessories without tool or key.
Handling studied to emit as few vibrations as possible.
Switches actionable in 2 points, variable speed according to the pressure exerted.
Depth limiter.
Dust extractor.
Universal accessory adapter.
Integrated LED light for better visibility even in dark places.
DeWalt brand product.