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USDA Choice Angus Beef Sirloin Steak
100% natural beef
Great cut for grilling or stir fry
Minimally processed with no artificial ingredients
Reduced price!
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Whether you're feeding a family or want to make sure you have steak on hand for yourself, make sure you have Sutton & Dodge™ Sirloin Steaks on hand. Enjoy the taste of high-quality Angus beef and feel good knowing there's no artificial ingredients. Grilled, broiled, or slow cooked, these steaks are sure to hit the spot.
Contains: Does not contain any of the 8 major allergens
Serving Size: 4.0 ounces
Country of Origin: United States
Cut of Meat: Loin
Store: In a Refrigerated location at Refrigerated
Exterior Container: Plastic Tray
Type of Meat: Beef
Form: Steak
State of Readiness: Prepared, heat and serve
Servings: 4.0, Exact
Package type: Individual item multi-serving
Number of interior containers: 1
Seasoning or marinade: Unseasoned
Bone cut type: Boneless
Exterior container weight: 16.0 ounces