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Home Jersey Adidas 2018-19 / 主场球衣 阿迪达斯 2018-19
Home Jersey Adidas 2018-19
主场球衣 阿迪达斯 2018-19
New product
Version of the short sleeved main sweater that the players of Sport Lisboa and Benfica use, in the sport season 2018-19. This Benfica shirt updates the club's traditional main colors with a modern approach to the famous red. Made of soft fabric that removes moisture from your skin, it has a cut slightly wider than the jersey that players wear on the pitch of the Sport Lisbon and Benfica Stadium. Keeps your body dry, with "Climalite" technology, removes perspiration to keep your body dry in all situations.
这个版本是运动里斯本和本菲卡的球员在2018-19赛季的运动赛季使用的短袖主场球衣。 这款本菲卡衫采用现代流行的红色,更新了俱乐部的传统主色调。 它采用柔软的面料制成,可以去除皮肤上的水分,比运动里斯本和本菲卡体育场球场上的运动员穿的球衣略宽。 使用“Climalite”技术保持身体干爽,排除汗水,让身体在任何情况下都保持干爽。