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Quinta do Sibio Samarrinho 2017 Doc Douro White 750ml 6bottles / Sibio Samarrinho酒庄 2017 Doc 杜罗 白葡萄酒 750ml 6瓶装
Rare Wine - Quantities under consulting
6 x bottle 750ml
6瓶装 750ml
White Wine
New product
With a medium body, it presents slight nuances of minerals, followed by charming notes of white fruits. A very harmonious wine, intense and delicate at the same time, with great freshness and a surprising minerality.
Sibio Samarrinho酒庄 2017
中等的酒体,呈现出矿物质的细微差别,随后是白色水果的迷人味道。 非常和谐的葡萄酒,同时又浓郁而细腻,具有极佳的新鲜度和令人惊讶的矿物质气息。
Rare Wine - Quantities under consulting