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Quinta do Sibio Winemaker Selection 2014 Organic Doc Douro Red 750ml 6bottles / Sibio酒庄 酿造师精选 2014 Doc 杜罗 有机红葡萄酒 750ml 6瓶装
6 x bottle 750ml
6瓶装 750ml
Red Wine
New product
A beautiful Douro Red, which impresses at first sight for its deep and intense colour demonstrating structure and youth. Reveals a great aromatic character, with generous notes of mature fruit and hints of herbs demonstrating complexity and nobility. Dense and full-bodied, its tannins are evident, yet they are smoothed but a subtle sweetness provided by its fruity flavours. A memorable wine, which can be enjoyed while young, nevertheless will reward patient cellaring.
SÍBIO 红葡萄酒 2014 - 酿造师精选
美丽的杜罗红色,其深沉而强烈的色彩展现了其结构和年轻,令人一见钟情。 显示出一种芳香的特征,带有成熟水果的大方气息和淡淡的草木香味,表现出复杂性和高贵气质。特别浓郁的单宁很明显,但它们的果味非常柔和,但却带有微妙的甜味。 一款令人难忘的葡萄酒,可以在它年轻时享用,但耐心窖藏口感更佳。