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Quinta do Sibio 10 YO Tawny Port Wine 750ml 6bottles / Sibio酒庄 10年 茶色波特酒 750ml 6瓶装
6 x bottle 750ml
6瓶装 750ml
Port Wine
New product
The Quinta do Síbio 10 Year Old Port is a starting point for aged Tawny Ports. Its reveals a beautiful tawny colour with golden shades, which characterizes the typicality of the kind. Ripe fruit aromas are integrated with oak nuances and hints of honey and spice, while its flavours unveil caramel and butterscotch. Classic for the Ports produced at this Quinta.
SÍBIO 10年份 茶色波特酒
Quinta do Síbio10年份的波特酒是陈年波特酒的起点。 它呈现出金黄色调的美丽黄褐色,是这种酒的典型特征。 成熟的水果与橡木香气,和蜂蜜和香料的淡淡芳香融为一体,而其香味则带有焦糖和奶油糖。 是这个葡萄庄园的经典波特酒。