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Quinta do Sibio 20 YO Tawny Port 750ml 6bottles / Sibio酒庄 20年 茶色波特酒 750ml 6瓶装
6 bottle x 750ml
6瓶 x 750ml
Port Wine
New product
This 20-Year-Old Port presents a typical brick toned amber color, indicative of its long ageing in oak. A very complex wine in which we discover a perfect balance between notes of nuts, dry raisins and oak. On the palate, shows great acidity, portrayed by a lively and long finish.
Quinta do Sibio 20年 茶色波特酒
这个有20年历史的波特酒呈现典型的砖色琥珀色,表明它长时间在橡木桶中陈酿。 这是一款非常复杂的葡萄酒,我们在坚果,干葡萄干和橡木之间找到了完美平衡。 在口感上,表现出极佳的酸度,活泼而余韵悠长。