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NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto Ristretto Ardenza 16Cap 6x112g
Dark, intense and with wonderful aromas of hazelnut and liquorice, Ristretto Ardenza takes the classic espresso to another level. A little shorter, Ristretto is made by passing less water through the coffee. What this means is that you get a short, robust espresso that has a smoky aroma with a deliciously peppery aftertaste. Our Ristretto Ardenza pod coffee is our most intense coffee capsule drink yet, so if you love the full-bodied taste of a bold espresso, this one is definitely worth a try.
Also known as ‘corto’, Italian for ‘short’, Ristretto Ardenza is definitely proof that good things come in small packages. As well as a wonderfully woody character with a bold, hazlenutty taste, these punchy espressos are also topped with a silky layer of crema thanks to the maximum 15-bar pump pressure in our stylish machines. The colour of caramel, the delicious crema is frothy, rich and helps give your espresso pod coffee a high quality taste, just as you would expect from a coffee shop.
An online exclusive, Ristretto Ardenza is an espresso pod coffee not to be missed. Elegant and robust, we think that they’re best served in an espresso cup that presents the irresistible layers of your masterpiece at their best.
And if you’re looking for a delicious ristretto espresso, but with a slightly less intense aroma, our Ristretto coffee capsule drinks might be just what you’re after.