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1) Contains guaranteed level of a single viable strain of Enterococcus faecium SF68 probiotics (minimum 5x10 * 8 CFU * / g). A proprietary microencapsulation process of PURINA ensures stability by ensuring levels of beneficial living bacteria entering the digestive system.
2) Promote bowel health and balance: Contains Enterococcus faecium SF68® lactic acid bacteria at proven levels that promote normal intestinal health and microbial balance in dogs.
3) Promotes a strong immune system: To help keeping the patient healthy.
Available in pack of 30x1g sachets.
Recommended Daily Dose: 1 sachet per day (no need to adjust amount of FortiFlora® to your pet's weight or size).
Way of Use: Sprinkle the contents of a sachet over the food. Fresh and clean water should always be available. Keep food in a cool, dry place.
Composition: Organoleptic viscera, Enterococcus faecium SF68®, vitamins, minerals.
Key Nutrient Values:
Enterococcus faecium SF68® (living microencapsulated microorganisms) minimum 1x10 * 8 CFU / g
54% protein
Fat 19%
1% fiber
Vitamin E 7500 mg / kg
Vitamin C 1450 mg / kg
Metabolizable Energy (ME) ** 3.9 kcal / g