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1) High Protein: To help promote fat loss while maintaining lean body mass during the weight loss process.
2) Low in calories: To help reduce the amount of calories consumed.
3) Glucose Control: To aid in the nutritional management of Diabetes Mellitus.
Available in 400g tin.
Recommended Daily Dose:
Recommended daily amount (cans / day)
Dog Body Weight (kg) Adult Weight Loss Adult Maintenance
2.5 3/4 1
5 1 1 2/3
10 1 1/4 2 2/3
15 2 3 1/2
25 2 1/2 4 3/4
35 2 3/4 6
45 3 7
70 3 1/3 9 2/3
For every 5kg of additional body weight, add 1/4 additional can per day for weight loss.
For every 5kg of additional body weight, add 1/2 additional can per day for weight loss.
How to Use: Enter PURINA® PRO PLAN® VETERINARY DIETS gradually over 7 days; Fresh and clean water should always be available. Keep food in a cool, dry place.
Composition: Heart and liver of pig, heart and liver of poultry, cellulose powder, rice flour, minerals, sugar.