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M. J. Freitas 3L White wine Table wine / M. J. Freitas 白葡萄酒 餐酒 3L
3 L/box, 192 Cases per pallet
Tasting Notes: A very fruity white with leaf-green tints, and touches of tropical fruit. Well structured, with a fresh, agreeable finish.
3 L 箱装, 192 箱/托盘,一托盘起售
口感:果味浓郁,白色带有叶绿色,伴有热带水果味道。 结构良好,新鲜清新。
New product
Varieties: Fernão Pires
Harvest: Late August
Origin: Vineyards in Fernando Pó, Palmela
Soil: Sandy
Climate: Mediterranean
Vinification: Fermented in stainless steel vats, with temperature
controlled to 18ºC.
Alcoholic Content: 13% vol.
Oenologist: Jaime Quendera
起源:Palmela Fernando Pó 的葡萄园
酿酒师:Jaime Quendera