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Teddy bear XXL, toy, brown 100 cm
This fluffy XXL teddy bear will become your best friend to pamper. Thanks to the realistic style and color, it will be the perfect gift for your loved ones. It will be a great birthday gift, Christmas present, Valentine's Day gift, or for any other occasion.
The teddy bear has a pretty bow around his neck, a handsome face with a soft upturned nose. The bear is made of soft plush, which is extremely comfortable and invites both young and adults to hug you.
WARNING: Contraindicated for children under 36 months of age
This fluffy XXL teddy bear will become your best friend to pamper. Thanks to the realistic style and color, it will be the perfect gift for your loved ones. It will be a great birthday gift, Christmas present, Valentine's Day gift, or for any other occasion.
The teddy bear has a pretty bow around his neck, a handsome face with a soft upturned nose. The bear is made of soft plush, which is extremely comfortable and invites both young and adults to hug you.
WARNING: Contraindicated for children under 36 months of age