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Intex Mushroom baby pool
This mushroom baby pool from Intex 57114NP is ideal for children to play and play in the shade.
This Intex baby pool is easy to set up and blow up. It is ready to be filled with water in minutes. The beautiful mushroom-shaped umbrella is designed to protect your children from harmful UV rays. A soft, inflatable floor is included for comfort during play.
Your child will be able to have fun for a long time in this pool with an inflatable playing mushroom. For any mishap, a repair patch is provided
Material: Vinyl
Size inflated: 102 x 89 cm
Water capacity (13 cm high wall): 45 liters
Baby pool with a mushroom-shaped umbrella built-in
Soft inflatable floor for greater comfort
Includes 1 x Inflatable Play Mushroom
With a repair patch
This mushroom baby pool from Intex 57114NP is ideal for children to play and play in the shade.
This Intex baby pool is easy to set up and blow up. It is ready to be filled with water in minutes. The beautiful mushroom-shaped umbrella is designed to protect your children from harmful UV rays. A soft, inflatable floor is included for comfort during play.
Your child will be able to have fun for a long time in this pool with an inflatable playing mushroom. For any mishap, a repair patch is provided
Material: Vinyl
Size inflated: 102 x 89 cm
Water capacity (13 cm high wall): 45 liters
Baby pool with a mushroom-shaped umbrella built-in
Soft inflatable floor for greater comfort
Includes 1 x Inflatable Play Mushroom
With a repair patch