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Digital thermometer, infrared
This professional thermometer is an ideal choice for measuring the temperature of the human body. It allows accurate, non-contact measurement of body temperature (at a distance of about 5 cm / 2 inches).
This infrared thermometer can be used to read body temperature by measuring the ear or forehead. The temperature can also be taken orally, rectally or under the armpit. The reading is displayed in only 1 second.
In addition to measuring body temperature, this infrared thermometer can also be used to measure the temperature of objects (eg, fluid surfaces, ambient temperature). The temperature range for this function is between 0 and 100 ˚ Celsius.
This professional thermometer is an ideal choice for measuring the temperature of the human body. It allows accurate, non-contact measurement of body temperature (at a distance of about 5 cm / 2 inches).
This infrared thermometer can be used to read body temperature by measuring the ear or forehead. The temperature can also be taken orally, rectally or under the armpit. The reading is displayed in only 1 second.
In addition to measuring body temperature, this infrared thermometer can also be used to measure the temperature of objects (eg, fluid surfaces, ambient temperature). The temperature range for this function is between 0 and 100 ˚ Celsius.