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Ceiling lamp with acrylic sheets and transparent & white crystal
This dazzling ceiling lamp with four arms with acrylic leaves, features a classic and elegant design. The chrome finish gives this lamp a contemporary style - perfect for any modern living room or dorm room. This lamp can be easily mounted on any ceiling, with high quality. Marvelous light will pass through the delicate acrylic sheets illuminating every corner of the room. This exceptional ceiling lamp is guaranteed to produce a relaxing and enjoyable environment. This lamp is suitable for three E14 bulbs. Note that bulbs are not included in the order.
This dazzling ceiling lamp with four arms with acrylic leaves, features a classic and elegant design. The chrome finish gives this lamp a contemporary style - perfect for any modern living room or dorm room. This lamp can be easily mounted on any ceiling, with high quality. Marvelous light will pass through the delicate acrylic sheets illuminating every corner of the room. This exceptional ceiling lamp is guaranteed to produce a relaxing and enjoyable environment. This lamp is suitable for three E14 bulbs. Note that bulbs are not included in the order.