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Water heater for inflatable pool 735 W
This solar pool heater allows you to heat your pool economically and save energy costs. This solar pool heater will warm your pool quickly and durably. Several panels can be combined. The solar heater has 2 heat units that can heat 1000 liters of water in 1 hour at a temperature of 1 ° C. There are no maintenance costs. This pool heater not only saves space but is also very easy to assemble. It is highly efficient and has a smart design. Now you will be able to enjoy your heated pool on those cool summer days. The maximum flow capacity of this product is 3200-3500 liters per hour.
This solar pool heater allows you to heat your pool economically and save energy costs. This solar pool heater will warm your pool quickly and durably. Several panels can be combined. The solar heater has 2 heat units that can heat 1000 liters of water in 1 hour at a temperature of 1 ° C. There are no maintenance costs. This pool heater not only saves space but is also very easy to assemble. It is highly efficient and has a smart design. Now you will be able to enjoy your heated pool on those cool summer days. The maximum flow capacity of this product is 3200-3500 liters per hour.