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Shaver PHILIPS S7370 / 12
GentlePrecision blades; Flexible heads in five directions; SmartClick dresser; Aquatec.
Smooth the shave with the Philips Shaver S7370 / 12 shaving dry shaver. Designed to be comfortable on sensitive skin, it stands out with the GentlePrecision blade system with DynamicFlex heads, which flex in five directions to follow all the curves of the face. Comfort rings with exclusive coating consisting of thousands of microspheres ensure effortless gliding, reducing irritation. Still in evidence, the Super Lift & Cut dual blade technology, which guides the hairs perfectly to shave more closely, the Aquatec wet and dry, which allows you to choose a comfortable dry and refreshing wet shave, and the dresser Precision SmartClick for trimming mustache and tabs. Other features: 50-minute wireless range; Intuitive viewer; Ergonomic handle.