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Food for babies. Vegetables with veal
Confirm the information in the article's label. Due to possible changes in packaging and / or labels, you should always consider the information that accompanies the product you receive. "
New product
Average nutritional values per 100 g: energy: 249 kj / 59 kcal; Lipids: 2 g, of which saturated fatty acids: 0.5 g; Carbohydrate: 6.8 g; Fibers: 1.5 g; Proteins: 2.8 g; Salt: 0.07 g;
Ingredients: Vegetables 64.4% (carrots, potatoes, green beans, tomato puree, onions, peas), cooking water, veal (9%), MILK in reconstituted lean po, maize starch, extra virgin olive oil (1, 1%).
Open and heat in a water bath or in the microwave. Stir until you get the desired texture and test the temperature before giving the baby. Do not add salt.