Search for "ricardo wallis"
Our trip to Tianjin (China)
Following the signing, last November 2018, of the partnership with the Chinese state-owned company Dongjiang Direct - Tianjin Dongjiang Import Commodity Direct Service Co., Ltd., based in Tianjin, People's Republic of China, a delegation of “ BUYIN.PT - Comércio Eletrônica, SA ”traveled to the city in mid-January, with the purpose of the mission being to learn about the conditions of exportation of Portuguese products and other origins to that free zone and to deepen the existing partnership.Read More
- B2B e-marketplace first birthday is the first and only B2B e-Marketplace to support the Portuguese exporting companies, and opened internationally at 1st February 2017.Read More
Web Summit Lisbon 2017
We were selected as BETA startup for the 2017 Web Summit in our city of Lisbon.Read More
"The internationalization of the Portuguese Economy - Business Success Cases"
BuyinPortugal is one of the success stories entitled "BuyinPortugal a success story from the Lisbon Web Summit". Science4you, Fly London, WeDo Technologies, Skypro, Aralab, Edol, and Riberalves are the other companies.Read More
We were selected as a BETA startup @web summit Lisbon 2017
We were selected as startup BETA for the Web Summit 2017 in our city of Lisbon.Read More
PRESS RELEASE - Plataforma B2B abriu internacionalmente
A é o e-Marketplace B2B de apoio às empresas exportadoras portuguesas, e abriu internacionalmente ontem, dia 1 de Fevereiro de 2017Read More
Open Classroom of Global Economy and Internationalization of Companies
Ricardo Wallis, CEO of BUYIN.PT SA, shared his experiences in international trade, and presented the B2B marketplace platform, to the master's students in an open class of Global Economy and Internationalization of Companies (EGIE) - ISCTE Master .Read More