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1) Clinically proven to be effective in cases of nonspecific chronic diarrhea: Feline EN's unique formulation has proven its clinical efficacy.
2) Regulation of GI transit and direct nutritional support to the colon mucosa: Obtained through a combination of soluble and insoluble fibers.
3) Protection of intestinal mucosa: Bentonite added with a high toxin absorption capacity
4) Helps prevent the development of struvite and oxalate uroliths: Metastable RSS and APR for struvite and oxalate; Added benefit of urinary safety St / Ox
5) Excellent patient acceptance and suitable for all stages of life: Aided by exceptional palatability and formulated to withstand growth, reproduction and maintenance.
Available in packs of 400g, 1.5kg and 5kg.
Recommended Daily Dose:
Cat body weight (kg) Recommended daily quantity (adult maintenance - g / day)
Composition: Soy protein isolate *, dehydrated chicken protein *, soy flour, corn starch *, animal fat *, organoleptic, minerals, inulin (min 0.2%), fish oil *, yeast. (* Easy digestible ingredients)